Sinister: Re:

duke of harringay tangent at
Thu Aug 28 14:49:10 BST 1997

> How about a 'Ink Polaroid writing' compo?  The
> most entertaining short
> story in Stuart David's stylee wins.  They would
> not have to be about B&S,
> just something funny or touching thats happened
> to you.

i think that's a great idea!  there's been much
talk on some writing lists i sometimes dip into
about 'flsh fiction' or 'postcard poetry', which
is essentially what ink polaroids are... i
actually like the ink polaroids name best :-)  i
don't think we have to say 'something funny' or
'touching'.  the great thing about writing like
this is it's just the great embodiement of moments
that happen...  whatever they may be.    Here's
three that i've just had developed to get us going


Here’s one of me in my classroom.  The pink thing
on my shoulder is a flying pig.  It’s really an
old piece of bone that I used to make the kids sit
and draw, but one day Clare looked at it and said
it looked like a flying pig.  It really did too,
so one lunchtime she painted it pink and now it
sits on my desk and holds paintbrushes.

This is one of Rozlyn pretending to paint the
‘Boredom Or Fire Raisers, You Can’t Have Both’
graffiti on a beach shelter on Troon prom.  I’d
actually painted the slogan the night before, but
we wanted the picture for the cover of a
magazine.  Rozlyn is a bit blurred because she
kept moving her hair.  A couple of years later
some kids burnt the shelter down, and it was in
the local paper about Fire Raisers going on an
arson binge.  I was going to tell the paper it was
me who painted it and that it was nothing to do
with the arson, but my brother told me not to.

This is my classroom again, and over by the desk
you can just see the only stereo cassette player
in the school . It kind of lives in my classroom
though because no one else uses it much.  It’s
actually playing a tape of ‘Tigermilk’.  The girls
standing by the desk are called Becky and Ella,
and the reason they’re laughing is that Cindy just
said the tape sounds like Simon & Garfunkel on
Speed.  I’m laughing too, which is probably why
the picture is a bit blurred.

Tangents On-Line
Tangents On-Paper: PO Box 102, Exeter, EX2 4YL, UK

tangent at

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