Sinister: As big as the Cardigans?!?

duke of harringay tangent at
Fri Aug 29 09:39:52 BST 1997

> as big as the cardigans may soon become a
> terribly known underestimate
> of their impending greatness.

yes, i thought the cardigans reference was
hilarious!  in a years' time i doubt anyone will
remember the cardigans (which isn't to say i don't
like their straight up Pop, just, well who
remembers Frente!), whereas i have thought for
ages that B&S were going to be very big indeed.

> they conducted a league of bands and bought in a
> team of judges, the
> idea being to whittle all the current contenders
> down to a few important
> bands, Belle and Sebastian came second, only
> after Bentley Rhythm Ace,
> and only because Andy Ross at Food hates B&S
> with a passion.

well we all know he has the taste of a porcupine.
(??!!) sorry to dis porcupines...

> Belle and Sebastian may not be the Spice Girls,
> but we're not talking
> about that leg of the race are we? We're talking
> in the vein of The
> Smiths

again the smiths... and again it's to do with the
fact that B&S are at the stage where they generate
polar opposites of opinion.  You love them
unconditionally or you think they're a bunch of
depressing tossers.  it was the same with the
smiths, although that did change to some extent
later on.  As it will no doubt for B&S.  The press
can very easily pick up B&S and not give a toss
about whether they give interviews or whatever...
they can choose to describe them to their readers
in any way they want, and i have a sneaky
suspicion that they will push a line of B&S being
the alternative to Oasis, something like that.
But that's just my opinion.

> They are the only band I can name who are
> important not because of a
> photo or interview, or drugs and a rock and roll
> ability to blag, but
> simply because of great records.

oooh, that's being simplistic about the nature of
POP surely? :-)  we must know that the greatest
thing about Pop is that a great record does not
make a great Pop Group... it's a jigsaw puzzle of
linked elements.  it's clothes they wear, the way
they dance (or not!), the things they say (or
don't)... a whole host of things.  B&S are not
going to be big JUST because of great songs.  That
helps, but don't pretend they are outside the Pop
circle and are not being forced to play by some of
the media industry rules.


the duke

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