Sinister: re:stuff

Chris Stack Chris.Stack at
Fri Aug 29 20:51:41 BST 1997

A lad...wrote:
I would guess that the writer has been in the situation [as, indeed, have I]
- and thus has had a Catholic upbringing.

I thought because the singer wasn't sure if he should call the priest a priest or a vicar then that meant he wasn't a Catholic, or as I pointed out before if he was Catholic, then he was a rubbish one who didn't know the basics etc, not that I care.
The Belle and Sebastian Kids show was a live action thing wasn't it, 'cause I can only remember a cartoon version in the early '80's, It was a japanese thing and badly dubbed over, the people spoke really fast and sentences finished abruptly so the lip sync looked better...even though it didn't. I'm pretty sure it was called Bella and Sebastian though and it was made by the same people who did 'Cities of Gold' and 'Dogtanian and the 3 Muskehounds', clever play on words there, the way Musketeers has been replaced with Muskehounds, niiice.
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