Sinister: Le Pastiche de la Murdochese

Nick Dastoor/BSHO/GB Nick_Dastoor/BSHO/GB%BSHO at
Thu Dec 4 12:47:11 GMT 1997

Inspired by John Updike's recently completed collaborative internet novel, for 
which he supplied the first paragraph and left the world to complete, I thought 
it might be fun to do the same with the a Belle and Sebastian song.
So, here's my stab at the first verse.  I found I had difficulty departing from 
rhyming couplets - I guess my songwriting skills need some developing.  No 
title yet - perhaps that will come with the chorus.  Or perhaps the whole thing 
will fall flat and no one will be remotely interested in taking part.  That's 
the chance I'm going to take for every stupid thing I post.  Hey ho.

Judith got herself in trouble down at choir practice,
Sporting a pink cassock homespun from spandex.
Kissed the warden's daughter at the back of the vestry -
Something to do while her friends do drugs down the Ministry.
The girl hasn't felt so simply thrilled to be alive
Since she stole some tights from BHS in '85....

Bye for now,

nick_dastoor.bsho at 
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.    We're all happy bunnies humming happy bunny tunes.  Aren't we?

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