Sinister: Song-spiel

Johnston, John CT John.Johnston at
Fri Dec 5 09:40:57 GMT 1997

I thought Nick's  song thing was a great idea. I was trying to come up
with a verse myself (bearing in mind Walt Whitman's contention that "the
powerful play goes on and you may contribuite a verse") but couldn't
manage the Murdochesque inflection of Nick's.

Anyhow hooray for Paul, the good shepherd of this List. I think we're
lucky to have him and I want to tell him that he's ace!

I am, sir, your most assuredly happy bunny.


>From: 	Nick
>Dastoor/BSHO/GB[SMTP:Nick_Dastoor/BSHO/GB%BSHO at]
>Sent: 	04 Dec 1997 19:01
>To: 	sinister
>Subject: 	Re: Sinister: jesus wept
>Sinister: jesus wept
>Peter Higgins (p.higgins at
>Thu, 04 Dec 1997 13:54:05 +0000
>>Don't take this personally, but... That pastiche of a B&S song which someone
>suggested we could all add to in a kind of >internet happy clappy
>perfect world vomit inducing experiment type thingy was simply astounding! 
>Please >keep such "ideas" to yourself next time, I could do without the kind
>mental upset which your "song" caused me. It's >nonsense like this which
>fans a bad name. Right, can I go back to sleep now?
>Oh dear, I feel like I've had the stuffing knocked out of me.  Don't take
>personally but...  I think you misunderstood my intentions, character, 
>whatever, Peter.  Of course my "song" was crap.  And no, I don't really 
>subscribe to all this global village nonsense either.  It was a _joke_.
>not a very good one after all, and of course jokes that fall flat are worse 
>when they are in print (well, not print, but you know what I mean) because
>just sit there lurking in their irretrievable, semi-permanent state.
>The lines I wrote where supposed to be a piss-take of some of the more
>recurring themes in Stuart Murdoch's songs (esp. the earlier ones).  Such as:
>* Mentioning misfit girls by name a lot (Jean, Jenny, Judy, Lisa, Jane, etc)
>* Dropping in names of years ('82 in She's Losing It, 1975 and 1995 in The 
>State I Am In, 1972 in Me and the Major)
>* Ecclesiastical matters (IYFS, Le Pastie)
>* Not being into the drugs scene (Me and the Major, Photo Jenny, Le Pastie)
>I'm not remotely suggesting that these 'sum up' Belle and Sebastian - they're
>the kind of things that if taken to extremes would make for a very dull, 
>formulaic twee pile of rubbish.  Of course I think there's infinitely more to
>them them than that - they wouldn't be my favourite bands for years if I
>But in a light-hearted (crap phrase I know - shades of '..and finally' items
>local news) way I thought maybe others might have spotted other things in
>& Sebastian to satirise which they could post as further verses to mine.  But
>if no one thinks it's funny or appropriate, I shall bow to your sharp tongue 
>(hey - mix those metaphors), consign my thread to the bin and hang my head in
>shame at Manchester Town Hall.
>So long,
>nick_dastoor.bsho at
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.    We're all happy bunnies humming happy bunny tunes.  Aren't we?

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