Sarah sarah at
Mon Dec 8 22:15:03 GMT 1997


About the Charlie Brown thing, i was told something about the guy who
writes them, damn whats his name? sorry, I've forgotten, but it really
made me think. 

Charlie brown, the little lad who you always felt sorry for, was
actually based on the writer, and he was in unrequited love with this
other girl who was also made into the cartoon, but i forget what her
name was. Who ever thinks of the guys who write the cartoons as having
tortured lives? There was always a melancholy air to Charlie Brown but
it never *connects* does it? 

Thhere was a pic of him accepting an award with massive characters of
Snoopy behind him, and it was sad because these held him back from doing
the great art he wanted to produce. not that Snoopy isn't great (in fact
I named my hamster Snoopy cos i never had a dog) but you know what I

Quite sad i thought. Well, it is a monday evening. 

and to all the people who mailed me for tigermilk-let me know if you
want radio sessions and if so what ones, just in case you need any.....
"if you had such a dream" 
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