Sinister: we're the younger generation.........

Richard North rnorth at
Fri Dec 19 00:19:43 GMT 1997


This time I want some responses to a message posted on this list.  
Every single time before I have been completely ignored.  No-one apart 
from a nice American lady even said hello.  Is it because I am 17 and 
not a 30 year old record industry guru?  Btw.  no offence to any 
gurus 'cause you have a cool job and I only say that 'cause I don't 
know any ones age or profession.

I am naturally a student.  17 and soon to go the lovely Bangor 
university.  A million miles from my native London.  Oh how that 
makes me glad!

Believe me I have been on this list for a few weeks now....

Anyway I am Northy.  Full name Richard North but I prefer just 

Anyway - have I got anything to say?

Well - yes!

I am being bored doing my AS level computing project and decided to 
put on a CD.  Y'know when you've got a long task to do and you stick 
a quality album on?  Anyway - I put Kenickie - At the Club on and it 
just bored me so I put my beloved IYFS CD on.  Wow - they are great
Seeing other People is just the greatest lyrical songsmithery song I 
have ever heard. 


Only two songs have ever made me laugh out loud.  Honestly - just 

Morrissey - Boy Racer "he thinks he's got the whole world at his feet 
standing at the urinal"

B&S - Seeing other People "at least she knows where to put it"


Has Modern Rock is Rubbish received any airplay yet?  I always listen 
to the superb alternative X-fm but I have heard nothing yet.  When is 
it out.  I can't wait.

Oh yeah - can someone make me a copy of Tigermilk as my contact seems 
to have forgotten about me. Please I really want a copy

I am really jealous of everyone going to Manchester!  The list should 
be great fun when everyone has seen each other's faces.  I will feel 
quite left out (if I don't already) I really will!  

Don't worry though when (if?) they come to London I will there buying 
tickets quicker than you can say "Pack your job in son"!!!!!!!

bye from a fox feeling left out cold in the snow..........

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.    We're all happy bunnies humming happy bunny tunes.  Aren't we?

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