Sinister: the return of scully...

the duke of harringay tangent at
Wed Dec 24 11:38:44 GMT 1997

hi folks... totally unrelated to B&S, and nothing
at all to do with music, BUT, joyous of all joyous
news: our cat has been returned!

regular listeners will recall me being very sad a
couple of moths ago because our cat, scully, had
gone missing... well the good news is that he is
now safely returned after spending those long
weeks trapped in a house literally just behind
ours!  the house was being refurbished and they
knew there was a cat there because they kept
finding paw marks in the paintwork, but they
couldn't find it, let alone catch it.  so last
night they got the RSPCA to lay a trap, and hey
presto! this morning there was our scully!  a lot
skinnier, but otherwise none the worse for wear.

so there you go... all is happy on this christmas

wiping a tear of joy from their eyes,

the duke and duchess.

PS: we DJed a party last night and we DID play
three B&S songs, and very nice they sounded too
Tangents On-Line
Tangents On-Paper: PO Box 102, Exeter, EX2 4YL, UK

tangent at

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.    We're all happy bunnies humming happy bunny tunes.  Aren't we?

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