Sinister: registers...

James Ng eculb at
Mon Nov 3 14:35:17 GMT 1997

On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Eeyore wrote:

> Since everyone is so hot on registers at the moment (and since I am so bored
> today...), why not check out what the average listee's age and occupation
> are? Just to have something to do, you know.....
> I'll start you off:
> Age: 19
> Occupation: student and part-time mail-worker (just boring sorting the mail)
> Just tell me off if I'm being too boring....

For anyone whose remotely interested,

My age is...  18

And I'm a...  student!

By the way, does anyone out there know the lyrics on Seymour Stein- in
particular the two lines just after-

'Early to New York, San Francisco back to Boston...'

as I can't hear what he sings on my crappy copy of the song.


= Mail me at: eculb at =
=	  			      = 
=	  or: J.C.Y.Ng at  =

James Ng

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