Sinister: Libra; and my name's Andy...

Andrew.Dean at xxx.NET Andrew.Dean at xxx.NET
Wed Nov 5 15:24:42 GMT 1997

and i like a girl who...*

and, of course, the moment i complain about the archives
they start working again. sorry paul for casting aspersions.

two brief mentions of b&s in today's music papers, both in
the letters pages. someone asks which one's belle and which
one's sebastian and someone else has them down as band of
the year.

Easterhouse: always reminds me of the fatima mansions - both
were named after housing estates.

alan rankine: ran the aforementioned music course at stow
college. there's an ink polaroid that covers this with b&s
playing a slow piano version of party fears two (or was it
the other one?) at a gig in france.

*the floaters, 'float on'. god, you people are so young. but
i've noticed that it's the older ones amongst us who have
the more outlandish musical tastes (outside of b&s). odd
that. oh, i share a birthday with bruce grobelar(sp?), gerry
addams and melvyn bragg.

(everything below here is way off topic, read at your own

mr taggart:
>Sarah started off with admirable intentions: passion,
>idealism and love. But it was soon hijacked by people with
>no imagination, playing at ickle 4 year olds (people who
>called themselves 'Neily Weely' for fuck's sake)

i doubt mr shumsky had very little to do with what was and
wasn't released on sarah (else bouquet would be on there,
surely). sarah, in my eyes, was good to the last drop and
those people who gave up at 40 or 50 or whatever missed out
on some great tunes.

and, from an earlier post:
>...while fellow fanzinists and
>guitar pop stalwarts of the late 80s (the likes of
>Stereolab and Saint Etienne) were trying new and exciting

which i find an odd thing to say given that the second(?)
st. etienne single was a rather straight cover of a field
mice tune...

someone then went on to slag them for releasing stuff on cd.
so they're meant to try new and exciting things but not
embrace new technology (especially when the choice was issue
things on cd and vinyl or not sell enough to re-coup your
costs, adapt or die). curious.

sorry paul, i know you wanted an end to this but there were
things i couldn't let go. still, more relevant than talking
about football, eh?

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