Fri Nov 7 14:11:05 GMT 1997

	Hi my name is Liz Daplyn (ok it's a wierd surname, I didn't ask
to be born to a Yorkshire/Cornish family with a Flemish name, did I?)
and I'm currently studying on a Foundation course in Art & Design in
Kent and also applying to Fine Art degrees at university.  I'm 19 and
feel no need to apologise for it, kids.  I play the flute and recorders
(yes, it is a proper instrument!) quite well, and the guitar very badly.
I also sing in a rather high and ridiculous voice, and speak Spanish
(A-grade at A-level last year, not to boast or anything).  
	I really should go and get my portfolio together as the deadline
for Oxford is next Friday, but I'd really rather sit in the nice warm
library than trek down to the studio in the bowels of the building
(looks like a prison, highly appropriate for an art college, don't you
	I like B&S (obviously, but I just thought I'd post that for any
morons out there), Sparklehorse, Tindersticks, Rialto (anyone heard the
new single?  It's ace!), Nick Drake, Kenickie, Radiohead, The Divine
Comedy, various other bands of taste and quality, but DEFINITELY
DEFINITELY NOT My Life Story - take your tiara and insert it up the
orifice of your choice.
	My birthday is the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings (14th
October), which means what you want it to (and that I'm a Libran).
	So, that's me - note my astounding talent, sparkling wit and
devastating intelligence.  Do keep in touch, y'all.

			Lots of something, Liz

*Boy on a bike, what are you like?*

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.    We're all happy bunnies humming happy bunny tunes.  Aren't we?

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