Sinister: Senor Miller esta un poco loco, creo

Robert McTaggart mctag at
Wed Nov 12 10:25:48 GMT 1997

On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Peter Miller wrote:

>They were crabs, you bounder! Write out a hundred times "I
>must pay more attention" and do some lemur research. 

Aww...I was just testing.  As if I'd make a damn fool mistake like
that.  And I already have a doctrate in advanced lemurology from the
University of Samarkand.  Lemurs don't drink Becks I can tell you,
only the finest Bohemian hops for their delicate palettes.

>Did you know that lemurs (Belle and Sebastian's mascot from now on)
>are unable to hang from their tails? Poor little things! And
>their noses are...hang on a minute! This could make a
>cracking quiz - we haven't had a quiz for a while...question
>one - how big was the now extinct biggest ever lemur? The
>answer comes as quite a surprise.  Question two - how did
>lemurs get to Madagascar? The answer comes as quite a

In Noah's Ark?  The number 46 from t'Market?  They jumped?  Hopped?
Skipped the light fandango?  I give up.  Back to school for me, I
guess.  And what about their noses? Don't keep us in suspense, boy.
Belle and Sebastian's mascot?  Why stop there?  A fire-breathing lemur
should stand with pride on their coat of arms, with an inspirational
motto (which I can't think of right now).

>>  Did Susannah find
>> 'Tigermilk'?

>That's what I'd like to know. I reckon your best bet is
>little out of the way places, like Burton-on-Trent or

Or Bangor.  Oh, did you know Fiddlers Dram only got to number three
with 'The day we went to Bangor' (oh yes, I have my sources)?  And
what exactly is a fiddler's dram?  Is it like a baker's dozen?  Or
like tennis elbow.  Sorry, no fiddling for me tonight, I've got a
terrible dram.  I think we should be told.

Somebody please write something...

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