Sinister: spiritualized

the duke of harringay tangent at
Wed Nov 12 17:25:12 GMT 1997

> The DARK SIDE OF THE MOON of the 90's.

and this is meant as... a 'compliment'?  seems
reason enough to avoid as far i can see :-)  i
have a spiritualized cd single if anyone wants
it.  'electricity', part one of a two cds set
apprantly, and i have played it a half time.
couldn't get to the end.  if anyone wants to trade
something i'm willing.

just been reading simon reynolds 1989(?) book
'blissed out' and reading again about the whole
dreampop thang, and ohhh, i still like that whole
loop bit, but spacemen 3?  and the excuses
reynolds makes for prog rock... hmmm.  dubious.
wonder what he'd make of belle & sebastian?
anyway, not that's it's of much interest now
because it hasn't happened yet, but there should
be a book published sometime (in the new year or
so i guess... nearer spring next year?) which will
collect missives about such luminaries as Felt,
The Claim, Go-Betweens, arab Strap and, strangely
enough, our beloveds.  (as opposed to THE beloved,
who i actually rather liked when they thought they
were new order).  you'll be first to hear of
details when it's fully finalised.

keep the faith kids,

the duke

Tangents On-Line
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