Sinister: lemur page and funny looks

Nigel Turner nigelt at
Thu Nov 13 15:52:31 GMT 1997

I've always fancied going into a big chart record shop, strolling up to the counter, then pulling out a pair of dice - no, better make that 2 pairs of dice - then, when the shop assistant asks what I want, roll the dice across the counter, count up the spots on the dice and ask for that number record in the charts.  That'd freak 'em out!  Mind you, I often think that's how most people must choose their records anyhow, coz only a random selection method could possibly account for most of the records in the charts...

Anyway, getting back on topic....I think lemurs are great too.  It's a shame that so many of them feel the urge to leap off cliffs in that suicidal way of theirs.
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