Sinister: Cock fun and fanny magic

dina passman plastik at
Fri Nov 28 21:33:28 GMT 1997

Robert McTaggart wrote:
> Glad you've lost your cherry, Dina.  Please tell me more about
> 'telepathic sex'.
well, i want to start by thanking you for your response (nevermind the 
cherries. i prefer "morello"). i received only one more and that was 
on my private line. you think you're doing people a service, but 

"telepathic sex" was perhaps not the most appropriate way of 
describing this. [to bring the topic around to the mailing list, it is 
certainly a technique that could be employed by the more imaginative 
when the dating serice a la cilla is initiated]. i will henceforth 
refer to the phenomenom as "hands-off non-phone sex". yes, that has a 
certain ring to it.

the scenario : two people are standing next to each other, though not 
touching. they are both staring straight ahead, hands by their sides, 
and speaking to each other.

x : i'm touching you. can you feel me?
y : yes. i can feel you.
x : my hands are on your chest. is it warming?
y : yes, warming...
x : i'm heading south.
y : yes, i love the south.

and so on and so on until it gets fairly steamy and such.

there you go - "hands-off non-phone sex". please, everyone, try this 
technique and report back.

anyway,  what's this "lord-love-a-duck" business? you know we're all 
avid atheist vegetarians! shame on you, tag!

as per mr. dan tracey, this is rather old news and no one is going to 
save a grown man from himself.

duckless lordless loveless > dina
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