Sinister: Are we all bourgeoisie now?!

Keith Watson keith at
Wed Oct 15 15:45:23 BST 1997

The Oxford/Cambridge Yah Hooray Henry types don't exist. Well not in
Cambridge anyway (except possibly Peterhouse College, but they don't
count). Edinburgh Uni seems to be like Durham Uni; it's where all the
Hooray Henrys go who think they have the right to go to Cambridge or
Oxford because they've got lots of money, even though they've not got 2
brain cells to rub together, and then they find out that we don't take
wankers like them here. Personally, I'm on a full student grant, which
makes me just as down to earth as people anywhere else; all this "they go
to Cambridge, they must be snobs" stuff is complete balls.

Phew, that was a bit vitriolic, I don't know what came over me.

[Keith Watson]  
Hey - relax - I didn't suggest that everyone who wen't there was like that - I did actually miss out the word "rejects" from the sentence which was actually what I meant to say. It is indeed like Durham Uni, Edinburgh - or at least so I'm told by my friend who went to Durham. How to describe these people... Dunno.... Home Counties, Inbred, Loud in public, very irritating? Difficult.

	Quite a number of my friends went to Oxford/Cambridge too. In any case, given the inbreeding I'd find it difficult to believe these people would make it as far as Oxbridge.

Sorry - didn't mean to offend


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