Sinister: does this bode well?

Amanda Bergman a-bergman at
Thu Apr 2 20:48:33 BST 1998

Well, I took Ben's little "test" and found that I care the most about Tag,
Keith is my lucky star, and the song that reveals how I feel about sex is
"Stunned and Frozen" by Mark Eitzel.


All this talk of children's TV shows has gotten me to reminisce about
programs like the Muppet Show and the Electric Company and 3,2,1 CONTACT
that were on when I was a kid. Oh, the fleeting days of youth. My birthday
is next Wednesday. sigh.

the last song that made me cry: "explain it to me" by liz phair.

are we going to organize a midwestern picnic? Here at Northwestern there is
the lovely lovely lakefill, which would be suitable. Or some park downtown,
perhaps? Is the Chicago area a suitable meeting place? Any thoughts on
this, please email me off the list.

eating the last of the british candy from her trip,

Amanda Bergman
Northwestern University
a-bergman at

"I'm not what I could be, I need a true love."

--Belle and Sebastian

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