Sinister: If Stuart Murdoch sang Serge Gainsbourg singing Stuart Murdoch
honey at
Sun Apr 19 15:29:19 BST 1998
Dear Readers,
I've been away from the list so long I've be wondering how to make my
re-entrance - would it be some thought-provoking dissertation on the
nature of P!O!P!, would it be an ink polaroid of me making a ham
sandwich, or maybe a poem about a fox that lost his library ticket?
No, I've found something much more stimulating and much more childish,
and I hope it will answer several questions that have been vexing this
list for the last nine months: what are Stuart's lyrics *really* about,
and what is Peter Miller on about?
Peter as we all know is a translator. He spends his days chewing a
pencil over the correct Spanish for "over-sprung type B dishwasher
flange connector". I think I've found the connection between this an
his posts to the list - he writes a perfectly normal mail, translates
it into Spanish and then back into English again and then sends it.
I've noticed quite a few of you doing this, you little devils.
So I've done the same with my WWW page, via French, ably helped by the
Altavista translator at:
The results can be seen at:
which has me childishly giggling, particularly at the translation of
"David Kitchen's fan club site" (think: "kitchen" -> "cuisine" -> ...).
So that's Peter in the bag. Now we turn to Stuart. I think an example
will demonstrate the technique, this time English to French to German
and back:
"I was surprised, I was lucky during a daily 1975. I was remained
embarass by a dream, with me that whole day 1995. My brother had
that he was merry, it took heat additionally to the Ego during one
moment certified. It rose with a friend of the sailor, fact it admits
over my day of the connection of the sisters.
I connected in precipitations, around a wegzutreibenes kid, now it
support am in the love. Therefore I was shifted, I, around an impact
the Krueckeen of mine estropifreunds to give touched. It was not
impressed that I cured it on Sabbath, thus I went to permit. When it
saw the merry page, we presented my bride of the child to the Whisky
and to the shrubshrub shrubs."
See - it all becomes clear. It's all about gardening. (I particularly
liked "gin" -> "juniper" -> "shrub" - I don't know where the extra
"shrubshrub" comes from but there is a God).
Here's my last one for now, just to demonstrate it's not a flash in
the pan. This one's via French, German then Spanish - you have to
give it a little punctuation to get it going:
"Anthony has gone to relative the dead women, because she has thought
that she never did not feel the odore however in this way. If then it
goes still to the house, the things have been transformate in in
false the false one, that they could he that forms in order to go? It
would want to ricordarsi exactly of the things like it on left part
of it this Wednesday. And if it gives here from the other thing, not
frightened, because it is dependent, than today for being little
along, it must dependent be less long that tomorrow.
Hilary has gone to relative the dead women, because she could not
think next to nothing to say. All he has thought the fact that
lengthily then he did not feel it never in some case. Nobody has
said really all of interest, it has fallen in the sleep. It was in
S&M and the studies of the Bible, all a tea of the cup, than me it
would concur with, the relative tea of the cup, will it with all,
the relative tea of the cup, it would concur with me, the OH would
not concur, but, the relative tea of the cup would concur"
Damn it, I *knew* it was all nasty Aunties.
Honey who is, apparently, back, loves you all dearly, but wishes to
reconsider his cheerleaders application - it depends on how nice you
all are
"Ecoutent, ceci est pish, je vais laisser"
"Horen dieses ist pish, ich werden gehen"
"Ascolta, questo e pish, io sto andando lasciare"
"Escucha, esto es pish, yo va a dejar"
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. Listen, this is pish, I think I'll leave
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