Sinister: sinister: Dear Oprah

Suzanne Schroeder suzsch at
Thu Apr 23 17:05:02 BST 1998

If there is a tour, please, for the love of God, come through Austin.  Your
services are required in lifting special underpriviledged children such as
myself out of the humdrums.  I'm writing on behalf of my friend, erm, Jean.
 Jean is a girl who has money, but yet, she can't spend it to help support
the live music scene as much as she would like.  At the college radio
station benefit the other night, she sat and watched how nobody was getting
into the shitty bands that took the stage one right after another.  These
were punk bands that were supposed to stir your soul, instead, people stood
and watched them bleakly as they waited for the alcohol to take effect. 
She is left to waste her money on clothes, movies, and an occasional CD. 
Her parents are quite concerned for her well being and think that she needs
an excuse to dress sluttier and have an actual chance of getting a date. 
This is a girl of failing hope.  Every week, she reads the local listings
only to have her hopes lowered further and further that no one worthwhile
will come to her area and cheer her up, but I have to watch as she quietly
folds the paper and says "oh well.  What's this Barney movie about?"  Don't
you see?  She is actually considering Barney movies.  The purple dinosaur
that teaches you manners.  We don't want this for our loved ones.  We want
these people, who constantly pester us with their trivialities to get out
of the house and out of our hair (even if it is temporary).  I call on you,
Belle and Sebastian, to get it on down here and rock this mutha out!

Thank you,

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