Sinister: apathy and secrecy and whats a bushmill?!
duke of harringay
tangent at
Sat Apr 25 16:16:05 BST 1998
Sarah wrote:
> hi all!
> doh, me and the duke just seem to clash....
and London's Burning with boredom now...
> duke said that he was
> generalising in calling youth apathetic.
people apathetic really. ho hum.
> don't you think that those
> generalisations are dangerous????
no, i don't have time to be specific about every single person i might
> and when you think theres someone who
> might be on your side, they just lump you in as apathetic with
> everyone
> else. a lot of people give up.
did i say 'sarah you are apathetic'? don't recall that one... anyone who
isn't will fight what's said, will react, either vocally or by doing
something to prove i'm wrong, and probably won't even give a shit about
proving that cos why should they care? i'm just no-one.
> >hmmm. do you think b& s are a-political? seems to me they are the
> most
> >political band i've heard for many years, certainly WAY more
> political
> >than all the other bands you mentioned...
> *coughs* i would loove to see you explain where it is that B&S's
> political leanings come in. .. are you seeing an *attitude* in them?
> cos lots of bands have *attitudes* but....B&S by themselves, not
> speaking about this list here, just their records listened to by an
> individaul.....don't lament the cesspit of capitalism do they? i don't
> get it mooommmy!
you don't have to sing 'down with capitalism' or 'down with facism' to
be politcal. some groups (McCarthy and Gang of 4 spring to mind) can
write overtly and openly politcal songs and make it work, whilst others
(Redskins spring to mind) do not. B&S are political in the way they do,
or do not do things, and if you want to call that an 'attitude', fair
enough. i just call it a a way of living. i also think that the way that
stuart writes can be construed as being political because it is outside
of common/popular thinking about content of songs/way of writing and by
it's manner rather than content makes a political comment, if you care
to see it. it's in interpretation, and i don;t care is Stuart tells me
i'm a dick and B&S are not political because it's irrelevent, with Pop
being essentially subjective. B&S are political in the way that Dexys
were political, by refusing to play the party game, by going out on
limbs, by daring to be strange.
> thats how much i know. whats a bushmill?
irish whisky, and as i told Adrian, reminded me of being in New Orleans
and writing dreadful poetry on napkins.
> *sighs* i could be at a picnic now. but no. i am tpng a quick email,
> before doing mountains of irnoing.
go to the bloody picnic.
> i really hate weekends. i hate my dull existence and the shallowality
> of
> it all! *sighs* i think its about time to start sobbing in a corner.
and when the sobs subside, go out and do something less boring with your
respect, even though you hate me, kids.
the duke
i'm not brave, i'm not special, i'm not any of those things.
Tangents On-Line
PO Box 102, Exeter, EX2 4YL, UK
tangent at
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