Sinister: Expired List Crushes?/Fruit Looper

Mick McMick mick at
Tue Aug 4 06:00:04 BST 1998

Madame Genevieve ecrit...
> all the good stuff is all old now..list crushes (so i can't
> even say mine :(

	Are the list crushes expired, like old milk? It's not fair! Someone
just told me they were going to give me a vote for a crush! I finally
got one and it better not be closed or...well that'd just be *awful*
	Got the Looper single today, too. Nice single, that. Interesting
side-project material. It did remind me a lot of "the 'Strap" but in a
unique sort of way. Idunno, I quite liked all the drum machine bits. Not
cheap-sounding at all compared to the image I have in my head when I
think of "cheap-sounding drum machine." 
	Also got the new Blueboy, but this ain't the Blueboy list, and what's
more, I haven't had time to listen to it yet (No! Please don't hit! I'll
be good from now on in, I swear!). So with that, I think it's time for
some wrastlin with my inbox. I'll wrangle it yet, just you see...

 /"\_/"\_/"\    Mick McMick - mick at - ICQ#5056758
 \         /    Sandcastle Records - sandcastlerecords at 
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  |       |     "Everyone has their own cup of tea.  
  |       |          Some just happen to like a lot of sugar in it!" 
  |       |               - Me!
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