Sinister: Rumour

Mick McMick mick at
Wed Aug 5 12:51:54 BST 1998

Euan Leitch wrote:
> He also said that the French lady creator of the cartoon B&S was not
> very happy about the use of her characters' names, and that they were
> possibly going to have to change the name of the Band.
> Is this true?  And if so any suggestions for an alternative?  For
> starters how about _Deacon Blue_?

	Eek! That would be horrible. I've always loved Belle & Sebastian's
name. But, this couldn't be 100% true, as the cartoon borrowed its name
& plotline (I think) from an old french serial. I guess the creator of
the serial could be angry. Oh well.
	If they did change their name, I would think they should make a sly
little change, enough that you can tell it's the same band. Like
perhaps, La Belle Sebastian, or just Belle Sebastian. Some little play
on words like that.	

 /"\_/"\_/"\    Mick McMick - mick at - ICQ#5056758
 \         /    Sandcastle Records - sandcastlerecords at 
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