Sinister: B&S in the bathroom

Rehak, Kimberly kfr9 at
Mon Aug 10 16:49:33 BST 1998

I was in Oakland/Pittsburgh at this coffeehouse/movie theatre a few
weeks ago (I saw "There's Something About Mary"--which, if anyone else
has seen it, could spark some comical conversations on this list) but
anyway, I walked down to use the little girls room and on the wall of my
stall it read "Belle and Sebastion are gods."   I had a minor seizure
and went on to explain to my friend just who I was convulsing over.
Anyway, the reason I even mention this is that I was wondering if anyone
on the list wrote that.  I mean, it had to take some time to write this
being that the walls are red and it was written in white ink/paint.
Personally, I wouldn't write something like that if I didn't mean it.
Agreed?  And I would also like to thank that person who wrote it for
making my experience in the bathroom a pleasant one.


**Did anyone ever define what "fuckin nail" means?
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