Sinister: The Poetry Parrot Hiccups

oon ooon at
Fri Aug 14 19:38:15 BST 1998

PJMiller wrote:

> Right, go back to your classrooms - WITHOUT any noise! - and get your sums
> books out. I don't want to hear any talking AT ALL until playtime. Except
> for you, Ooon, it's your turn to choose the next poem........ 

but Mrs. Bosoms, i am a foreigner!  i hardly know enough English 
language to buy a pair of English socks to be honest.  can i pick
Thai poem?  but then i don't know how to use Thai font in
email anyway.  so, English poem it will have to be.

tomorrow i shall embark on journey to library in the holy quest of 
a P!O!E!M!.  i'd probably end up choosing something because i like
the sound of it.  maybe someone can tell me what it actually means 

what time will the Glasgow shows start, please?  
i heard the Pearlfishers are playing Edinburgh this month?  
what about in the first week of September?  anyone have 
info could you email me?

and Uncle Trousers wrote:
> So let me dandle you a while on the knee of Old Uncle Trousers, as I bring
> you.... THE STORY OF SINISTER.......

may i nominate this as part of Sinister FAQ?  what can make a new listee 
feel more welcome than this...dandling on Uncle Trousers' knee 
listening to heartwarming folklore of our origin.  

nice weekend to you all,
oon xxx
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