Sinister: John Ketley is a weatherman

Mark Crutch xav at
Wed Aug 19 11:25:00 BST 1998

> John Ketley is a weatherman - dunno who sang it (and so is Michael Fish)

> Will you still speak to me...?

> Claire

It was by "A Tribe of Toffs" - apparently a bunch of A-level or first year
university students, or something, who had been watching kids BBC in the
mornings and were inspired by the 11 o'clock break for the weather. As I
was also between terms at the time, I too was watching kids TV and remember
when they first played it, "as a bit of a larf." One of those odd moments
in your life when you realise that some things can be so crap that 
they're ace. I never bought it though.

As for still speaking to you: although the other stuff you mentioned was
quite poor, I think we all knew of its existance, and should share your
shame. Remembering John Kettley Is A Weatherman, however, gets you _huge_
bonus points in my book.


(and so is Wincy Willis)

xav at
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