Sinister: My favourite word today is bloddy

Barrett Ronan RBARRETT at
Wed Aug 19 14:08:00 BST 1998

Music biogs - does "Lost In Music" by Giles Smith count?  Basically a pop   
music "Fever Pitch", which I know everyone and their dog have copied, but   
still a good read and a good laugh.  Bloddy good.
List songs - my tape tree tape contains "I Am Afraid" by A House, which   
goes something like "I am afraid of the dark, I am afraid of the day, I   
am afraid to walk outside, and of what people say etc etc".  Bet ye all   
can't wait now.
Elliott Smith - definitely bloddddy good, on the "Either/Or" LP and live   
Lambchop - blodddddy good too, especially "Theone".  I think I like "new   
country", even if it is just a big bad music industry invention.
Both of these have new albums out in the next few weeks, along with B&S,   
Divine Comedy, Gorky's and Catchers.  Anyone know any good money-lenders?   

Are there any picnics/socials planned for the Bank Holiday weekend?  I'm   
over for Reading, and I'd love to meet up if there was anything on.
That's enough for this month

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