Sinister: List songs.

Stanleyboy at Stanleyboy at
Thu Aug 20 00:03:41 BST 1998

A few more for the growing collection.

The Van Pelt - The Speeding Train. 
Lists random things of some beauty.
("Like the softest skin, the thickest grin, the perfect pitch, the puppies
chin, the speeding train, the arched ceiling, the curving hip, the soothing

Tom Waits - Soldiers Things
Lists thing you might find for sale second-hand.
("Davenports and kettle-drums, swallow tailed coats, table-cloths and padded
leather shoes, bathing suits and bowling balls, clarinets and rings...")

A Beatles songs which a think is called Junk (is that right?) from the white
album does a similar thing ("Motorcars, handlebars, bicycles for two...")

And, um... doesn't Damon from Blur list the names of planets in Far Out?

Ciao for now.

Stanleyboy (with the arab strap).
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