Sinister: haaaaands across the water (water)

brad parachute at
Fri Aug 21 04:18:47 BST 1998

i now nominate honey as the funniest list member. EAT SHIT AND DIE,

but, must not have used a powerful enough crystal ball,
because you failed to see the unending threads that are soon to appear. 

1. the first time i farted in the tub

2. candlestick holders, and what body cavities i've learned not to
insert them in

3. favorite cod-reggae song (no ub40)

4. record middles and lists of records that are without them

it's gonna happen.

anyone heard that song by the sextants that goes "i can sing like that
guy from the smiths". it's good.

"he kind of sounds like a muppet
and speaking of that
do you remember yoda? 
he was a muppet also" 

i should have put that song on my mix tape.

and, hey, mr. mcmick...rumor has it that i'm next in line to receive
your tape. it better be good, bitch.....i know where you live. one
morrissey song and i'll be dropping by your house. you'll come home and
i'll have your family or roommates all tied up....maybe naked.....and
i'll be demanding a FUCKING ANSWER!!! and i'll be screaming, too. and
who knows....maybe i'll also get naked. you don't know pain til you have
a naked brad screaming in your left ear about why you put a morrissey
song on a mix tape. fool.


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