Sinister: Cockernee scumbag puts in his two-cents worth
Funkyseb at
Funkyseb at
Sat Aug 22 12:54:02 BST 1998
Biondino wrote:
<<there are also a number of
us whose lives it revolutionised. I was woken up by "The Boy with the
Arab Strap" yesterday (but that's enough of my personal life...), and
I'm sure you can imagine what kind of spring in my step that gave me. I
went to sleep every night with John Kennedy playing songs I'd never
heard in the past but can't live without in the future.>>
This goes for me too, and for pretty much everyone I know. It was
a shock when Mark and Lard finished, imagine a whole station going belly up!
'Ok', say sarah and everyone else outside the M25, 'but why should I
give a fuck?'
And fair enough. You don't have to care. You just have to realise that Xfm's
death is another sign of indie failure, that it brands us as losers, a tag
that I thought we didn't deserve.
Xfm gave massive exposure to bands like, hey, Salako, Snow Patrol and Belle
and Sebastian, and helped them sell more records, and establish them as, erm,
moderately known bands. What happens to the next generation of Jeepster
signings? You won't hear them on 1fm, certainly not before Midnight, anyway.
Most of all, it's a sign of the growing chasm between 'their' music and
'ours'. Without a voice in the heart of Europe's music industry, there's
nowhere indie can go except back into it's ghetto.
Which means more of your favourite bands being dropped from majors, record
shops going to the wall, and ten more years of shit on the TV and radio.
But hey, I don't care, 'cause I don't live in london...
sorry if all that's a bit bitchy-I'm not picking on anyone in particular, it's
just I think I've seen the future. And it's a bit shitty. I wouldn't continue
this thread if I didn't think it had relevance to the theme of the list which
is 'People who like Belle and Sebastian',
isn't it? And i think it does.
Anyway, bye bye
Seb (also from Tonbridge Kent! now this is what I call a cultural wasteland,
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