Sinister: Dave Matthews/Hang-Ups/Aluminum Group/Catchers

Sam Devere samiamx at
Thu Aug 27 15:34:53 BST 1998

      *---*      HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINISTER BABIES    *---*

So being the proper Virginia boy, I trekked to Nissan Pavilion to see 
Dave Matthews play the other night.  First off, I've never seen anyone 
so cocked while on stage before.  Dave was glass-eyed and a bit slow in 
singing.  They took about a one-minute break between each song for the 
first five or six.  Of course, the wafting smell of pot didn't help 
either.  I felt like I was at a Dead show.  Nonetheless, it was fun 

I don't know if anyone has mentioned the Hang-ups, but I recommend them 
if you at all like P!O!P!.  The lyrics are substandard -- then again 
after discovering groups like B&S and Trash Can Sinatras most lyrics 
seem inconsequential -- but the music is very, very catchy. 
Picked up the new Aluminum Group album a couple of weeks ago.  I 
somewhat disagree with an earlier post regarding them.  I don't think 
they quite sound like B&S.  They sound a little like an early '80s 
new-wave (similar to Blow Monkeys) sometimes loungy/synth outfit.  Very 
sensitive lyrics, perhaps that is the area of similarity with B&S that 
the person was thinking of.  A couple of songs sound quite a bit like 
Magnetic Fields.

Anyone hear the new Catchers album?
'I choose my friends only far too well
 I'm up on the pavement they're all down in the cellar
 with their government grants and my IQ
 they brought me down to size academia blues' - LLoyd Cole

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