Sinister: Walter Mitty and L'Express

Sam Devere samiamx at
Thu Aug 27 15:49:50 BST 1998

      *---*      HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINISTER BABIES    *---*

For a list where dreaming is often referenced, I'm very surpised that 
Walter Mitty (the fictional character) has never been mentioned -- at 
least to my knowledge.  He is the ultimate dreamer.  I think he would 
make a splendid subject should B&S write a muse about him.

To answer your question Philippe, precisely.


Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 02:27:19 EDT
From: MWaggner at
Subject: Sinister: Happy Birthday Sinister

>Sam wonders :
>Ok, library story time.  My boss once walked into a small study >office 
- one that contains a small window - and saw some guy wanking >off to an 
issue of L'Express.  My question, why L'Express? >:).
>Do you mean L'Express, that fucking french newspaper ?

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