Sinister: youth movements and stuff

Genevieve Wesley pookie59 at
Sat Dec 5 17:03:51 GMT 1998

dear list,
oh this is long...but these great posts from sandra,anastasoa and 
heather just get me thoughts all in a may be 
hard to understand me,there's a million things to say...

Anastasia wrote:
>question: do we think these movements exist at all anymore, or even 
>any reason to?  i think these subcultures exist, but the things that 
>motivate them, if there even are any motivations, are completely 
>than the motivations of the groups are parents belonged to.

well,honestly..i don't think there is a big big movement with belle and 
sebastian type youth...well,maybe there is in little unknown ways... if 
there was a youth thing going on in the 90''s got to be the 
skaters...there's so many,if they all got to together!
but i do not think there is a movement really...i mean,if they really 
wanted to rebel against something,yes certainly they have got VERY 
important things,not just your parents maybe  how we're 
destroying our earth?...seriously..i mean a lot good going 'fuck society 
man! i'm a rebel!' when you might not have clean water to drink...or 
fresh air to breathe,i think it's so sad,when even the most 
beautiful,pristine places of wilderness on earth have smog in the air 
floated over from other cities...rebelling against 
would take lots of people  and unfortunatley,that big number of 
teenagers are the ones who just contribute more and more buy falling for 
the commericals,this image that they are supposed to be ("selling 
ourselves to ourselves")buying every tommy hifiger,nike prouduct etc.

i can't really talk with knowledge about the other groups,the mods and 
punks etc (and teddy boys? hee hee "meet me after school,the teddy boys 
are going to kick your ass" hee) but the one thing i find kinda fake in 
all these groups is the importance of what you wear how you 
get loads of piercings and tattoos and spike your  hair and THAT'S why 
your a rebel? or you wear a short skirt? or whateve..i mean if you like 
that look,FINE..but so many define their whole soul around  an 
image..and if you do that,it must be a kinda shallow movement?

and sometimes..i wonder..what are we going to look like in history 
books?  i mean,as much as i love some of my music..i know it's not going 
to be around in 50 or 100 years from now,I used to always think my 
father was being a classical-music snob person..when he told me that.. 
i'd be like"can't i just enjoy the moment without worrying if it's going 
to be remembered etc" but isn't that one of the problems,living too much 
for now? buying the most popular things,the hottest thing,the next 
biggest thing etc...i mean you could say there  are movements 
everywhere,there's always strikes and rallys but sometimes i think 
people are a little too quick to jump and say their rights are being 
infringed...but what about the planet being infringed? it's all 
connected (the big corporate companies who don't care about 
pollution...that could be a big record company vs little independant 
one)and if anyone cares about the earth,they get labeled a hippy-freak? 
i mean it's fine to sit back and write brilliant essays and editorials 
stating exactly what's wrong...but it's another thing to go out there 
and DO something.
I'm not saying this what ALL the kids are like...but just from my own 
experiences,and friends and people around me..most of them are too 
drugged up to even notice,or they fall for the newspaper article stating 
'everything is ok'.

>This is what I consider to be so interesting about this movement, it's
>niceness. Please, someone, explain this to me. Are the hugs, fuzzy
>sweaters, comeraderie with one's parents all a symbol of a greater
>cultural fear of the millenial unknown, or is this for real? I love the
>music, but I'd like to solve the mystery of the seemingly docile youth 
>follow it. 

i don't think they are really docile..i mean would not exactly call my 
relationship with my parents very comeraderie,my halo isn't exactly 
gleaming..i mean sure we share little stories on here,but there's a lot 
of darkness that people just aren't going to see...but again,maybe 
elsewhere these fuzzy sweater people are like that,i can only speak from 
what i do and see.

sandra wrote:
>Personally, I don't think a movement has to be about 

exactly! i mean,when anger my parents,it's through other things,not by 
coming home with a mohawk and a bullring nose ring and chanting 'Satan! 
Satan!'..i mean sure i could do that,but what would that prove 
honestly?i think people should stop worring about labels and groups and 
trying to define everything so neatly

maybe one day a youth movement will wake up and rebel against something 
that's really worth it you know? it's so strange today...there's much 
more violence etc,and yet at the same time we have it so easy...we've 
grown used to just sitting back and being boring it 
must be,so empty and no substance 

Ok...i'm not sure this had anythign to do with the original 
discussion...pop and belle and sebastian? and i'm not this big 
eco-warrior freak,i just worry.


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