Sinister: not as sad as dostoyevsky.

**Megan Lehar** mkl206 at
Sat Dec 5 21:59:45 GMT 1998

i used to think the above line was "not as fat as dostoyevsky".  ;)

anyway, i was going to write about how i got my first flame from someone on
the list today.  i'd like to point out to new people that there's no point
in paying attention to private flames.  private constuctive criticism, but
someone who wants to inform you that you smell like "knat's piss" probably
isn't anyone worth listening to.  ;)

today i bought the ep.  i made a special trip out to the record store to
pick it up.  i'm listening to it right now.  i know where the summer goes
is better when stuart murdoch is bopping up and down right in front of you,
but otherwise i like it.  ;)  i ran a lot of errands this afternoon,
including buying a record player.  i didn't mean to buy, i already have one
though it skips sometimes and i don't like it too much.  but there's a
presbyterian church about two blocks from me.  it's a beautiful church, one
of the really old ones built with large brown stones that has pretty
stained glass windows inside, the ornate type.  they're going to have
handel's messiah there on sunday, perhaps i'll go if i don't have any
projects to do.  er, ok, i digressed pretty badly there.  anyway, in the
churchyard, was a man in the kilt playing bagpipes.  i'm not necessarily a
huge fan of bagpipes, but he was playing beautifully.  i got my lunch and
sat on one of the little benches and watched him play, despite  the
intermittent car alarms and honks.  christmas time in the city is soul
crushing, it's loud and noisy and full and cruel.  so sometimes the little
beautiful things are more important then than at any other time.  well, as
to how i got the record player, there was a craftsfair at the church, so i
was going to look for a christmas gift for my mom, but i ended up going
downstairs to look at the fleamarket type stuff instead.  hehe

just heard the gate and it isn't half bad.  this is a rather mellow ep.
perhaps i'll listen to it while getting down with my bad self.  ;)

oh, and any girls of about 18 or 19 who were serious about acting in my
films (you have to be free and able to get downtown aroudn 2pm on tuesday
*or* thursday of this coming week) *please* write me.


mkl206 at

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