Sinister: everything i touch is turning into gold!

Tara Widmer TWidmer at
Thu Dec 10 21:31:51 GMT 1998

a great man, answering to "dirk", wisely wrote:
<<  crackbabies,>>
too well put
<clears throat> ahem, well now down to business!  With 3000 mostly unread
digests in the old in-box I'm winging it, but have to agree with whoever
said they were disappointed by the new version of MRS. Only lucid when he's
writing songs, is it? so i guess now the hotshot pop star is too busy
jetting to and fro a flashy mercedes or limo or gremlin or whatever to be
bothered with taking buses like us normal folk. Man, that is so WEAK, the
one common link i had with Stuart Murdoch "being lucid while on buses" and
he ain't down with that no longer. Weak, I said, weak... *sigh*
Isobel's songs are..cute I guess, but her work just seems slightly immature.
<hides from lesley jo behind the couch>  there is nothing inherently *wrong*
with that but especially alongside Stuart's work, it's like she needs time
to develop as an artists/singer/lyricist. "and who the hell do you think you
are?" you ask, "I suppose you could do better? have YOU ever tried writing
anything?" As a matter of fact, yes, I write songs. Okay, wrote. One song.
Once. When I was 12. like to hear it? here it goes:
"Baby Don't you care for me?/
if love is blind why can i see/
I've got to know, because I love you so/
I want a new contract on love"
It's imaginatively titled "Contract on Love". You can see why I never wrote
more after that. Kind of a hard standard to follow. And please, don't use
any of the lyrics without obtaining proper permission first.
As far as Stuart M being in MM without permission, well is it really *that*
surprising they did it?? it's hardly like they're some bastion of
journalistic integrity... there was an interview in Select a couple months
ago, the interviewer was instructed one thing only: not to bring up Mike D's
marriage, so naturally the first question asked was "so, how's married
life?" typical.

A couple of months ago, I wrote in begging for companionship during my two
week trip to England, and a few of you who really didn't know any better
were kind enough to respond, so, if you are still available please get in
touch and let me know!! I will be over (london/glasgow) from 12/27 to 1/10
and am left totally without plans.  Except for seeing New Order at AllyPally
on NYE (some of you are going?? write me!! i need someone to kiss at
midnight! oh yeeah) and the Brighton Sinister meet-up, if it's still on. (?)

Saint Etienne!! tonight!! you'll be there or be square! or just not be

Time to go back to work... here's a predicament: there's a new guy who
started here, and well, we didn't really get along at first.  And twice now
I've accidentally discovered him looking at <whispers> "rude" photos on the
internet.  Seems the poor fellow is completely oblivious to the fact that
our employer monitors all internet usage.  Should I bury the hatchet, tell
him and save him from a potentially embarrassing situation before it's too
late? or just continue in my current mode of doing nothing but thinking,
"well, DUH, doesn't he realize they'll find out???"

tata for now,

Some of you remember the girl (Julie, right?) who wrote about her experience
on the "love Bus" in San Francisco not long ago?? Bad news, mes cheries...
The singing bus operator.... who spread the message of love and togetherness
to his frustrated and weary commuters through the gift of music, has been
ordered to stop his singing.  There is some ordinance or code that says bus
drivers can only use their intercom for announcing upcoming stops and
similar  nonsense. the world has just become a little less kinder :*(
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