Sinister: in defence of Douglas
Patrick Osborne
patrick.osborne at
Thu Dec 31 11:40:52 GMT 1998
I felt I had to post to put in a good word for Girlfriend in a Coma; I
actually think it's one of Douglas Coupland's best books. I think he's
taken the themes he's been exploring since Generation X (feelings of
dissatisfaction with no clear reason, greater affluence with fewer
prospects, etc.) and, rather than just continuing to document it, has
explained where it's coming from and what can be done about it. I love the
title, especially, and the other smiths references throughout the book,
especially when the "golden lights oscillate wildly" at the end! And I
know I've often thought, when you pass those people with placards
proclaiming the end of the world, hang on, what if they're right after
all?, which Girlfriend... tapped into nicely.
Anyway, to give this post some B&S content (!) I am listening to Tigermilk
at the moment...wonderful!
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