Sinister: Evil P.E. Teachers and stuff

u01cjtc u01cjtc at
Wed Feb 18 18:42:54 GMT 1998

Hello everybody.
I'm feeling terrible today, I've got a sore throat, eyes and neck. It
might even be glandular fever, oh joy.
I had a P.E. teacher at school whose nickname was piggy, he was an evil
little man, who loved to pick on the younger kids. He would only allow us
to wear shorts to gym and if he saw your pants poking out he would shout,
"Get those pantaloons off boy!" in a very scary manner, much like john
anderson from gladiators who just happened to be a friend of his,
Another thing he would do was check that you were having a shower by
coming in to watch, which led to some interesting grafitti in the changing
room, mostly regarding his sexuality/penchant for small boys.
Eventually he was replaced by a guy who went to school with will carling
(english rugby captain), who was pretty sound.

sorry if that was boring, but I tend to talk a load of shite.


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