Sinister: revenge of the nickelodeon cartoons

**Megan Lehar** mkl206 at
Thu Feb 26 04:27:19 GMT 1998

a couple people said:

>>On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, G B Kline wrote:

> how about b and s covering the theme song from that cartoon?  I have
> remembered the first 4 lines of it for years  - 'the little prince
> from outer space can catch a shooting star and sail away perhaps
> someday he'll come your way' - shouldn't that memory space be taken
> up by something else by now?

I remember:
  "He came from somewhere, a world way out there, and he hasn't been back
since.  Something something, friend;y faces, brand new places, and that's
the tale of the little prince."<<

the song ended, "perhaps someday he'll come your way."  i was actually
rather fond of that show.  the characters were adorable, the animation was
cute, and really i was fascinated by the idea of a kid having a planet to
himself.  i think that's every kid's fantasy, to have a little place that's
so totally your own.

and someone else said:

>>        The bird thing In COG was the Condor.  We was talking about this very
subject whilest sitting on the floor of our college bar being very
drunk.  We managed to remember between the three of us that they did
find the city of gold, and the young boys father who promptly died.  I
think he went on to rule the city and its people. I know someone who<<

i remember that the first city of gold was actually where the condor came
from.  though i actually don't remember the show having a conclusion.  how
drunk were you?  ; )

and finally, we can't leave belle and sebastian out of this trilogy.
easily my favorite, perhaps because i always wanted a dog that i could
ride, like belle.  boy searching through the mountains for his mother.
note the theme of the quest shows, children who are alone and searching for
family, or meaning, or something.  hmmm... i'm sure someone could analyze


mkl206 at

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