Sinister: dandy warhols & naked people

Madame Cholet barzy at
Thu Feb 26 19:48:28 GMT 1998

>Did anyone see the Dandy's in New York during the CMJ festival? The guys
>from The
>Brian Jonestown Massacre were rollerskating around during the show handing out
>10"'s they had pressed themselves featuring their song "Not if You Were
>the Last
>Dandy on Earth." Pretty amusing stuff.
>Madame Cholet wrote:

OK. THIS is where it gets scary! I've seen THEM as well...and one of the
members (think it was the lead singer) dropped his pants and was stood
there with them round his ankles!!!! Perhaps it's a San Francisco
thing...battle of the nudie bands..can you imagine if someone in Belle &
Sebastian got a wee bug up their arse and decided to skip round during
"Judy & The Dream of Horses" al fresco? I'd give Geddes a 10er for that
one....he can be the one who barfs and gets naked on stage....:)

beth and the dream of Geddes.....
(just kidding  biscuit....oh, like YOU'D turn your head at Christopher
naked! Naw.....)

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