Sinister: Provincial boutique Sundays

poetry place2 poetryplace2 at
Wed Jan 7 16:01:33 GMT 1998

A number of points:

1)	Frankly Mr Shankly - I always thought that the whole song was a
reference to every right thinking person's favourite film, Billy Liar, in
particular the scene where Billy tells his boss, Mr Shadrack, that he's
packing his job in to move to London ("a man could lose himself in
London!"). Unfortunately, Frankly Mr Shadrack didn't rhyme. While I'm on
the subject, there's a fantastic essay on Billy Liar as the founding myth
of Brit pop culture in Jon Savage's book Time Travel. And Stephen Duffy's
"Julie Christie" is the greatest song ever written, and would sound just
dandy in a B&S 'stylee'.

2)	Consistency - May I just say that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin
of little minds?

3)	Laurel's contraceptives – It's quite clear that she doesn't need to use
any, as HoneyPaul is having all her babies.

4)	Let's have a party!

5)	Duke, you are not alone in feeling old and weird. Prompted by your
remarks on the Woodentops, I dug out my copy of Giant, and yes, it sounds


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.    We're all happy bunnies humming happy bunny tunes.  Aren't we?

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