Sinister: Dylan in the Movies

PM - AU oc245d8aff at
Thu Jan 8 18:31:29 GMT 1998

This has probably already been answered, but still....

Dylan plays a small supporting role in "Dougal and the Blue
Cat", availiable on Pocket Money Videos. As the title
suggests, Dougal is the undisputed star of the show. To be
honest, it's not that good a film. I think the actors had
trouble keeping up the intensity of their normal
performances over a full length feature film.

The other, lesser Dylan appears in "Don't Look Back",
co-starring the mayoress of Nottingham. It is a
See also the far superior "Streets of Fire" or something, in
which Dylan plays the part of an ageing rock star who
mumbles a lot and wears sunglasses. I only stuck about
twenty minutes of it, but I suspect it's up there with
Prince's sexy sexy sexy "Under the Cherry Moon"
There is also Dylan's own deep and meaningful film "Renaldo
and Clara", which is about six weeks long and
incomprehensible. Apparently. I haven't had the pleasure.
If I sound like a Dylanologist it's because I read a book. I
confess to listening to Dylan at this very moment. I can
hardly keep my eyes open.

At any rate, the song in question is apparently about a boy
who's walking through the park at night and he's scared to
look back in case he gets grabbed from behind by Hugh and
dragged off to the bogs for some communal fisting.

I've got a Dog on Wheels poster. I'd sooner have a 3..6..9
one, so that I can alarm myself with an enormous
reproduction of Stuart Murdoch's right nipple

Morrissey also spoke highly of Echobelly, who went on to do
Great Things.

I think The Verve's album is all right, nothing more,
nothing less. Some of the lyrics are noteworthy though, I
think I know where he's coming from, maaaan. I too feel like
a cat in a bag, specifically the one that the kids save at
the beginning of "Whistle Down the Wind", and then "Jesus"
lets it die, thus revealing himself to be "just a fella". At
any rate, I think mediocrity is quite listenable at times.
Having said all that, I haven't listened to it enough to
give a really honest opinion. The same goes for
Spiritualized, the other album of the year for most organs.
My vote still goes to Portishead, but then I haven't heard
much new stuff. I wish I could give it up once and for all,
but I still get roped in by hype, if hype it is.

No B&S content: You know the expression "in country" as in
that film with Bruce Willis and Emily Lloyd? Is it an
American expression? Is there a British equivalent? I need
it for a translation for some people who send doctors off to
the jungle to save our less fortunate brethren, and if I
don't get it right innocent children will die. Well, some
doctors will have difficulty understandiing their insurance
policy at any rate. For some reason they're not covered for
exposure to radioactivity. Sorry for this list abuse. On
placement - perhaps that's better. I'm buggered if I know.

Doctor Peter (in the Shabba Ranks sense)

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