Sinister: Conversion: I have seen the light

Mon Jan 12 22:56:29 GMT 1998

I have been attempting to convert a friend.  I put "Seeing Other People" and
"Get Me Away..." on a mix tape for her about six months ago.  She was not too
impressed; she thought the piano intro on "Seeing..." sounded too much like
Peanuts music.  I told her yes that is why I like it.  To continue the process
I listen to Belle and Sebastian whenever we are in the car together.  She
usually makes no remark at all.  In a tiny breakthrough, she thought that "Me
and the Major" was a good song.  She did not fall in love with the rest of the
songs still.  In the car a few weeks ago she thought "Tigermilk" album sounded
better than "If You're Feeling Sinister" on a whole.  She said she wished,
sincerely or not, that all the songs sounded like "Electronic Renaissance."
Today we listened to "Dog On Wheels" in the car, but once again, she did not
seem impressed.  I think I will start to have to accept this situation.      

	I was also thinking of sending a tape of Belle and Sebastian songs to my
brother.  When he was my age, 19, he listened to the Go-Betweens, the Smiths,
and assorted bands.  But he lost interest and became a minister.  Though he
has a sense of humour, I'm not too sure how he would take the religion in the
songs.  He would probably just humour his little brother and tell me he liked
it.  But his eight month old son, is it never too early?

	Living and loving and rambling
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.    We're all happy bunnies humming happy bunny tunes.  Aren't we?

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