Sinister: le pastie is not a french word. so why the title?

Sarah sarah at
Wed Jan 14 21:02:28 GMT 1998

i am writing this as i wade throught the days THREE digests!
RE: the B&Smobile : my mate daniel has a pet shark called Snuffles who
drives the Snuflesmobile. seriously.

hey and Andy who said he'd delay putting up the nme review stuff for a
bit so as not to annoy the music press, i say FUCK THEM! ANNOY THEM AS
MUCH AS YOU WANT, give them hell, what are they gonna do?

I'm glad B&S aint played the Albert Hall cos they are not sel out London
bastards yet. oh so sue me for that all you Londoners with every thrill
at your feet.
but on a good not i'm seeing the Pastels on the 22nd.

Lizzie Daplyn! do i know you? cos first you had the DP quote i used to
have, now you have th poem i did at high school, wierd!

I love home taping. i LOVE home taping! so does john fm on the radio!
well, you will lvove what i've started taping for you anyway love!

i love radiohead myself. i think they are quit beautiful. Fitter happier
is quite scary. anyone who don't think so 'hasthe right to their own
opinion'. booooooooooooring!

Andy dean i love you! now i don't have to buy the Maker or NME. i spent
all my cash on Uncut for Tags reviews! see honey someone thinks of ya.
and of course the manics pics didn't encourage me either, even though
Uncut could've done better than to print an old interview that was
republished in a free book last year....

shit eating indie sheep? fuck you you old forgetfull agitator trying to
amek out *you* are important,  bringing your oh so  socialist views to
everyone. i mean, you MATTER don't you! shit eating! i've just spat
yours out wanker and mailed it back to you. hardly anyone cares like you
Wells you are making nothing you fart out words read in SW every week,
and as you're a rich journo i bet you can even afford the 'solidarity
price'. ooh i like insulting tooo! 
ahem, back to the show....

Sinisterians wanns email me at:
intense_intensity at
you can if you mention the words suburban unmeaningfullessness in the
message :)

YAY! i got through 2 digests!
i have nothing else to say for my mind is frozen at office world. i'l
pick it up tomorrow after i post a turd to Steve Well who would probably
consider it revbellious and give me a job. but as he's so socialist he
shouldn't believe in jobs. 

we work for unessential things the desire to have more is inherent. i
went through this last week. i won't subject you to it. 

"I am, Yet what I am no-one cares, or knows"
                -- John Clare   
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