Sinister: Tiramisu and other fetishes

jessica tinystar at
Mon Jan 19 19:41:50 GMT 1998

>has anyone read any Isabelle Allende? as she's due to release a book about
>the indistinguishable line between the eroticism of good food and sexuality,
>and i'd quite like to know what her past books are like and am too lazy to

I believe Isabelle has 5 or 6 books out now, the easiest to read if you are
quite lazy is 'The Stories Of Eva Luna', it's a collection of short stories
as told by a woman, Eva, to her lover, Rolf Carle.  I think all her books
except one have a Peruvian setting, they are all very dense to read, like
you feel quite strongly about the characters.  After 'The Stories of Eva
Luna', read 'Eva Luna', which is the story about the woman.  But I've read
4 of her books, and they're all excellent.  There is a lot of eroticism in
Allende's books, so I'm all excited about this new book about food + sex.
If you see the way she writes, you know this new book will be perfect.


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