Sinister: the naughty cat
Wed Jul 15 04:51:53 BST 1998
As I walking into the office building where I pretend to work each day, I
noticed that something seemed a bit "funny" about my bag. Try to imagine the
horror I felt when I realized that my enamel Belle and Sebastian badge had
disappeared. The only evidence that it existed was the tiny hole left from
the pin on the badge. At my desk I searched through my bag in the slim hope
that the badge had fallen from the outside flap to the inside pouch of my bag;
not surprisingly it had not. (Though I did find the back to the badge.) I
walked back to the car, with my eyes to the walk looking for that badge; I
looked through the car--all to no avail! As a last resort I called home and
asked my mother to search the house high and low for the badge and to beware
if the vacuum made a "grrchugchug" sound as it swallowed the badge.
Ah, but the badge was sitting on the table was I arrived home from work.
Apparently Madeline the kitty had been sleeping on it all day when it had
fallen onto a chair in the morning. When I interrogated her as to why she did
it, she hinted that I would rather listen to B&S than to her mewing all day
(and she is correct!) I knew cats were vengeful, but I never knew to what
depths their anger could take them. This missing badge has come only two
weeks after the dis- and re-appearance of my Tintin mug. Is there a pattern
I can only wonder if Splat is the mastermind behind this plot, trying to
sabotage Sinister so Honey will pay more attention to her.
Living and loving
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