Sinister: More French films...
Mark Iles
iles at
Tue Jul 28 16:28:10 BST 1998
Back on the subject of French films, La Grande Illusion has just been
rereleased in the UK in a nice new shiny print. Apparently the Nazis didn't
like it and censored it heavily and the original print has only recently
resurfaced in a vault in Russia. Or something like that. I've never seen
it, so I can't offer an opinion on how good it is. I'd like to applaude the
person who mentioned La Haine - I thought it was great. It started a bit
slow, but by the end, I was rivetted. No wonder the French Prime Minister
insisted that all his cabinet watch it... as for slightly older French
films, The Wages Of Fear (La Salaire De La Peur) is excellent - not what
you'd expect from a French film, more of an edge of the seat thriller, but
superbly made and featuring the gorgeous Vera Clouzot. Les Diaboliques, by
the same director (Henri Georges Clouzot?), is a great Hitchcockian
thriller, with a stupendous twist at the end (I'm not telling because it'll
spoil the surprise) and again features the director's gorgeous wife Vera.
And the B&S connection... um.... Le Pastie De La Bourgeousie - that's
French :)
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