Sinister: Divine Divine Comedy

Vicky Parkinson uczcvap at
Thu Jul 30 13:00:21 BST 1998

Wow, I've just been listening to the new Divine Comedy Album, fin de
siecle, and it is absolutely amazing! The first song is an absolute gem,
totally happy tune, with ace lyrics. It's called Generation Sex snd even
tackles tabloid  reader hypocracy at the death of Di (brave souls, I
suppose it had to happen sooner or later but at least the topic was
addressed in song by DC rather than in some schmoozy ballad). It's been
swirling round in my head for the 45 mins on the bus getting into uni, and
now I just feel like going all the way back home again so i can listen to
it some more.

It's out round about the same time as the B&S album, the week before I
think, and if you'll have enough pennies, BUY IT, BUY IT, BUY IT!!!!

If the new B&S album is in the same league as this (and from all reports so
far it is) then I am going to be in music heaven.

It's even taken my mind of my important job interview tomorrow, United
Distillers are flying me to Edinburgh and paying for a hire car to get me
to Fife for an interview for Assistant Archivist. Scary stuff, far too
grown up and responsible! And if I get the job, all that discounted booze,
bottles and bottles of cheap Talisker....

I'll stop dribbling now and go and do some preparation

Vic xxx

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