Sinister: Tickets for Glasgow!!
david kitchen
shop at
Fri Jul 31 16:32:40 BST 1998
as ever we urge you to be patient, you do ALWAYS get the info before
anyone else, so just calm it a bit.
tickets are NOT yet for sale, and we're sure that the band or us will
announce any ticket details and exact venue details as and when they are
all totally confirmed!
so please restrain yourself for another few days/weeks while things fall
into place.
Shearer, Calumn wrote:
> Sorry, couldn't resist that subject line (naughty)
> The trail goes cold, It's Friday Afternoon and I'm going home.
> Virgin got as far as Banchory Management, (ooh spelling?)
> Who, like me, are not going to be back at Work 'till Monday. My new
> found friend at Virgin ticket sales (name withheld to protect the
> lovely) is going to contact them then.
> So, looks like I won't know until Tuesday when the tickets will be
> available.
> How many people does the Community Center seat?
> Is Virgin the _sole_ supplier?
> How many blue smarties _are_ in an average tube?
> Will opal fruits _ever_ be the same now that they changed their name?
> <gruff Movie-trailer voiceover>Do you know the answer to any of these
> questions?
> Then, citizens, we need your help.....
> Or at least I do - I haven't had a decent opal fruit in months...
> Calumn Shearer
> IT Department
> East Ayrshire Council
> Telephone: 01563 57 6538
> Email: Calumn.Shearer at
> That's "capital C alum enn dot capital S hearer at east dash ayrshire
> dot gov dot you kay" and I'm off home now...
> Tooddle pip.
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david kitchen
david kitchen : merchandising and websites : jeepster records
mailto:shop at
jeepster recordings ltd, 217 canalot, 222 kensal road, london w10 5bn
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