Sinister: Back after a week
Rod Begbie
rod at
Mon Jun 1 20:03:30 BST 1998
Yo, Chaps!
Did you miss me? Huh? Huh? Didya?
<silence... in the distance, a church bell tolls>
On Mon, 1 Jun 1998 Anna_Chapman at wrote:
> Does anyone know someone who subscribes to the list by the name of
> gamesmaster?
He was here last week -- biondio or something. Posting from Hewson TV.
Hoy! Gamesmaster! When's the next series of Wanted?
On Mon, 25 May 1998, sezah wrote:
> yes indeedy lindsay, you are quite right - we aussies do eat and ENJOY
> vegemite immensely!! it's our national food you know...that and
> lamingtons...mmmmm!!
My flatmate's Australian, and swears by the stuff. You can get it in
Somerfields supermarkets over here.
On Mon, 25 May 1998, G R Thomas wrote:
> Just bought singles by Kenickie and Embrace, and I'm mightily pleased.
Kenickie's is great, and deserved to get much higher in the charts. (Hah!
That'll teach them to put out two CDs with crappy remix B-sides).
Spiritualized's single was as fantastics as is to be expected, in
particular the 7 minutes of Broken Heart. Embrace's is better than the
last one. Grandaddy was alright. Money Mark is great, and I'm going to
buy the album.
But my single of the week for last week has to be B*Witched's "C'est la
Vie". Just for the Irish jig in the middle eighth. Unprecedented.
Spice who?
On Tue, 26 May 1998, Johnston, John CT wrote:
> Oh dear, I think I'm turning into dimunitive Brit DJ Bruno Brooks
Today's crap link: -- Bruno Brooks' Media Empire.
This is not a joke.
On Tue, 26 May 1998, Jackson,John wrote:
> May I just remind all you UK residents that on BBC2 tonight at 10pm, they
> are repeating the outstanding 'I'm Alan Partridge', so if you missed one or,
> like me, just want to watch them again, REMEMBER IT's ON!
It's the best show from the BBC all last year. Wonderful stuff. Look
forward to the chocolate mousse on tomorrow night's episode.
On Tue, 26 May 1998, Chris Leonard wrote:
> I noticed last night "That Sinking Feeling" is on tomorrow afternoon, on
> channel 5. Which is a total bugger really, since I live in the
> wilderness and don't get channel 5.
Well that means that you missed what enraptured myself and my flatmate
upon returning from the pub on Friday night... "Buddy's Song". With
Chesney "Mole" Hawkes. My, how we chortled. And it had your woman from
"Teenage Health Freak" (the bitchy one) in a totally unnecessary topless
An e-mail to Empire Magazine's "Where Are They Now?" page is in the
On Tue, 26 May 1998, Mark Casarotto wrote:
> And isn't the girl who's reading the news, who's also the
> receptionist in I'm Alan Partrdige (which I'm dying to see again), completely foxy in every way? Mmmmm...
Mmmm, yes. Sally Phillips is her name, and she is just totally wonderful.
I met her at the Edinburgh Fringe a couple of years ago (getting the
impression that she was attached to Richard Herring), and she is lovelier
in the flesh.
On Fri, 29 May 1998, Keith Watson wrote:
> There was something funny on the radio this morning, oddly enough from
> Zoe Ball. A woman goes up to the bar and asks the bloke at the bar, "Can I
> have a double entendre please?", so he gave her one.
To put an age on that joke, Ronnie Corbett told it on the Ben Elton show
last week. And it's been on this list before:
(Though everyone else thought that the Spice Girls joke was worth more
And now... Today's consumer tip:
If you own some of that strawberry-scented body wash stuff that they sell
at The Body Shop, do not, I repeat, DO NOT under any circumstances be
tempted, no matter how deceptively delicious the smell, to actually try
tasting the substance.
You will inevitably find this to be A Big Fucking Mistake (TM).
Rod Begbie @ |
| He's not vicious, or malicious.
| Just delovely, and delicious.
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. Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa
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