Sinister: The goodbye makes the journey harder still/Another pearl, another gannet: Homemade tape/Trees/Partridge/Honey

Martin Conneely Martin_Conneely at
Thu Jun 4 10:02:31 BST 1998

1.   "sezah" <haras at wrote: 
past few days i have had stuartm counting "1,2,3,4.." (like at the beginning
of mayfly) in my head, with the result that i have been marching around town
everywhere in time to his counting!! and no matter how hard i try, i cannot
break the rhythm>>

How about intensive listening to the end of "Modern Rock Song" where SM counts 
it out as 4, 3, 2, 1 [or is it some other song from the radio sessions]?  Or 
would that lead to backward marching?

2. Andre Vieira <alerche at wrote:

<<The State I am In"...  I downloaded the first 50 seconds of the song one 
night through the
Tweenet site..., some of the B&S songs I like to sing along the most are from 
album.  "How so?", you may ask.  Well, let's take "The State I am In" as an
example.  The whole song has more or less the same meter, so I just sing
the whole thing to the melody of the part available through the net....I do the 
thing to "She's Losing It", "You're Just [list of songs].... even though I have 
never heard a single second
of either one.  Pretty sad, huh?>>

No.  If you recorded all that, it could be a way to get around the Tigermilk 
copyright problem.  What a tape it would make, especially if recorded on a 
homemade tape of the kind envisaged by Mr Hopkins.

3.  A very long shot.  There was a band called Trees which released at least 
two LPs on CBS, probably in the early 1970s.  Their female lead singer had 
(maybe still has) an absolutely beautiful voice and one of the LPs was called 
"The Garden of Jane Delawney".  Searching the web for "Trees" has been very 
interesting and educational, as can be imagined, but hasn't given me any info 
on the band.  Has anybody heard of them or know if any of their material is 
still available?

4.  Thanks to those who recommended Alan Partridge.  The TV guides would not 
have led me to watch it and, with the end of "Killer Net", there's such a gap 
in my life.  (In my next life I'll try to get to college in Brighton - great 
accommodation and term assignments consisting of simulating electric chair 
usage with Teenage FC playing in the background seems not too onerous.)   And 
Partridge even featured about 3 seconds each of China Crisis and Steeleye Span 
(ask your grandparents).   
5.  A message this long should ensure that PaulHoney doesn't send me to the 
corner on his return.  It's going to be a crowded corner.

Martin C.
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.                 Nee, nee mun pish, chan pai dee kwa

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