Sinister: A Pleasant Surprise & a Father's Day tape

Mick McMick mick at
Sun Jun 21 10:07:40 BST 1998

	I spent a very lovely evening today barely leaving my house, but oh I
had so much fun. A friend of mine, who used to be barely more than an
acquaintance in high school, came back from his first year of college
apparently liking some of the music I was into. There were always a
little bit of common ground...the Pixies...the Beach Boys, but nothing
unusual. So I called him & we talked for a long time about music this
afternoon. This evening I invited him over to listen to records. He'd
pretty much become totally infatuated with the Magnetic Fields, but knew
relatively little else. So, I tried to let him hear a bunch of things I
thought would strike a nice chord with him. When I asked the question
"have you heard Belle & Sebastian?" he came to an affirmative answer!
=)  Then I let him listen to a million and one records, CDs, and tapes,
and he came out greatly liking #Poundsign#, Eggstone & Trembling Blue
Stars to boot! Woo! I get to play the mentor role! Yay!
	In unrelated news, I spent a large portion of my day making my father a
mixtape for tomorrow. I want to tape him a B&S song, as he's shown a bit
of curiosity about them, but I don't know which song... He really likes
the Beatles, the Beach Boys, & Steely Dan (hehe). Keep in mind that I've
only got IYFS & Dog on Wheels (waiting for that EPs comp that has been
pushed back FURTHER *groan*) and some stuff that is bad recording
quality. Any suggestions? So far the best I can do is "Me and the
Major." =D
	Oh, and if you're waiting for an e-mail reply from me, sorry, but I've
been busy. It's also 5 AM right now =P  If only my friends hadn't
dropped by for ice cream with caramel...yummmmmmmmmmmmm......;)	
 /"\_/"\_/"\    Mick McMick - mick at - ICQ#5056758
 \         /    Sandcastle Records - sandcastlerecords at 
  |       |     Sandcastle Homepage - 
  |       | 
  |       |     "Everyone has their own cup of tea.  
  |       |          Some just happen to like a lot of sugar in it!" 
  |       |               - Me!
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